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Chat Debug

ares features an in game chat debug system, this is especially handy for quickly testing different scenarios.

Activating chat debug

In your config.yml set the following options to True:

  • Debug: True
  • ChatDebug: True (found under DebugOptions)

Using chat debug

The chat debug feature should be used in the SC2 game window only. The chat debug service in ares will parse chat messages and check for valid debug commands.

Spawning units

Spawn new units directly where the in game camera is. To trigger the first word should be make or create, the second word is the amount of units/structures to create, the third is a valid UnitTypeId type, and the fourth should be the player for which units should be spawned (there is a default value of 1 for this, so omit if spawning for player 1).

Here are some valid commands you can try:

make 4 marine - Spawns 4 marines for player 1 at camera location.

make 3 mothership 1 - Spawns 3 motherships for player 1 at camera location.

make 1 hive 2 - Spawn a hive for the enemy at camera location. Note the 2 in the chat command, this spawns units for the enemy.

create 4 banshee 2 - Spawn four banshees for the enemy at camera location.

create 2 ultralisk 1 - Spawn two ultralisks for player one at camera location. Specifying player one in this command even though it's not required.


Destroying units

Destroy units using the same syntax for creating units, but for the first word use kill or destroy. The destroy commands do not take into account camera location and will kill units off camera if needed.

Here are some valid commands you can try:

kill 4 marine - Destroys 4 marines for player 1.

kill 125 mothership 2 - Destroys 125 motherships. Note the 2 in the chat command, this kills units for the enemy.

kill 1 hive - Destroys a hive for player one.

destroy 4 banshee - Destroys three banshees for player one.

destroy 2 ultralisk 1 - Destroys two ultralisks for player one. Specifying player one in this command even though it's not required.

Additional options

You can toggle cheats with the following chat commands:

  • cooldown - Disables cooldowns of unit abilities for the bot
  • food - Disable food usage (not sure this one works)
  • god - Units and structures no longer take damage
  • resources - Get 5000 minerals and 5000 vespene
  • show - Reveal map
  • tech - Remove all tech requirements
  • upgrades - Research all currently available upgrades