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Selecting a worker

If you're using the Mining behavior and need to select workers to perform tasks, then you should request ares to release workers from mining.


Behind the scenes, Ares designates workers to UnitRole.GATHERING and automatically assigns specific resources to each worker. If you try to steal these workers without informing ares the Mining task will send the worker back to mining again.


Opting to select a worker through the mediator is recommended. This not only simplifies internal bookkeeping by removing the worker from mining and assigned resource but also prioritizes a worker that isn't currently involved in mining or holding resources. The selection process even extends to workers at distant mineral patches whenever possible. Additionally, it's worth considering assigning a fresh role to the worker to preempt potential reassignment by the Mining task. Here's an example:

from ares.consts import UnitRole

if worker := self.mediator.select_worker(
    self.mediator.assign_role(tag=worker.tag, role=UnitRole.DEFENDING)
And to retrieve workers with a DEFENDING role:
from sc2.ids.unit_typeid import UnitTypeId
from sc2.units import Units

defending_workers: Units = self.mediator.get_units_from_role(
    role=UnitRole.DEFENDING, unit_type=UnitTypeId.SCV

Mixing python-sc2 and ares-sc2

If starting with a blank ares bot, all python-sc2 logic will work as intended. However, you may start working with ares behaviors or methods that may interfere with common python-sc2 convenience methods or functions.

Mining behavior

If you're using the ares Mining behavior, then this breaks the functionality of the following python-sc2 convenience methods.

    Since the Mining behavior takes control of all spare workers by default it does not relinquish control of the worker this method is trying to select.

    There are two solutions:

    • Avoid python-sc2 methods and use ares-sc2 build structure functionalities. See:
      BuildStructure behavior and
      Additionally the build runner uses ares build functionality if you're using that.
    • If you want to stay with python-sc2 for now, the accepts a build_worker argument, we can ask ares to select a worker and then pass that into the method:
      # building_pos is the area you want to build in
      building_pos: Point2 = self.start_location
      if worker := self.mediator.select_worker(target_position=building_pos):
          # ares has given us a worker, assign it a role so ares doesn't
          # steal it for mining
          self.mediator.assign_role(tag=worker.tag, role=UnitRole.BUILDING)
          # now we are free to use this worker with `
  • self.expand_now()
    Same scenario as but we do not have the same option to pass the worker into the expand_now() as we did with

    However, we can combine python-sc2 and ares-sc2 alternative convenience methods for a similar effect. Example:

    # Use `python-sc2` get_next_expansion to get a new base location
    if next_expand_loc := await self.get_next_expansion():
        # ask ares for a worker
        if worker := self.mediator.select_worker(
            # use ares build_with_specific_worker worker to build base
            # this will assign worker a new role
            # additionally by using this method, you get some extra functionality!
            # Such as replacing dead building workers and pathing control or worker
    Note, you could use this solution for other buildings too, if you already calculated exactly where you will place the structure.

  • self.distribute_workers() - This one is obviously broken if you're using Mining behavior but added for completion’s sake!

  • self.select_build_worker()
    Similar to previous problems, python-sc2 will not be able to select a worker without ares-sc2 trying to steal it back.

    Ask ares for a worker

    from ares.consts import UnitRole
    if worker := self.mediator.select_worker(
        self.mediator.assign_role(tag=worker.tag, role=UnitRole.BUILDING)

Building structures

This section covers breaking python-sc2 functionality if you interact with ares custom build tracker in any way. You're maybe using the building tracker if you use the following ares features:

  • BuildStructure macro behavior

  • self.mediator.request_building_placement()

  • Using the ares BuildRunner system in your bot

self.already_pending() breaks for pending structures


Due to the custom tracking of workers that are currently on route to construct structures, the already_pending() method in python-sc2 has no knowledge of these pending structures.


ares has an alternative function for pending structures:

# checks workers on route and in progress structures
num_pending_barracks: int = self.structure_pending(UnitTypeId.BARRACKS)
You could also check how many workers are on route to build a structure if desired. For Terran this will return same value as structure_pending as worker is always present. For Protoss or Zerg this will only count workers on route.
# checks workers on route, doesn't include gateways in construction
num_on_route_to_build_gateways: int = self.mediator.get_building_counter[UnitTypeId.GATEWAY]

Mixing ares-sc2 and python-sc2 build methods

There are no known breakages here, but a word of warning that mixing building structures via ares building methods and python-sc2 find placement queries could have unintended consequences. If possible try to stick with one system or the other, or limit mixing. ares in the background will check if position is available before building so mixing may be fine in most cases.

Example ares-sc2 functions and methods that may interfere with python-sc2 convenience methods:

  • BuildStructure behavior
  • self.mediator.request_building_placement()
  • Using ares BuildRunner system in your bot

These could interfere with following python-sc2 methods:

  • self.find_placement()
  • Your own calculated placements

Selecting a unit already assigned to a UnitSquad

If you are using ares-sc2 unit squad system, and you want to select a unit already assigned to a squad then you should take care to remove the unit to ensure accurate squad calculations. You can do so by making the following mediator request:

from sc2.unit import Unit

# pretend this unit is already assigned to a unit squad
unit: Unit = self.units[0]

Note if you're using the ares role system, when assigning a unit a new role, units are removed from squads automatically. So this should work too:

from ares.consts import UnitRole
from sc2.unit import Unit

# pretend this unit is already assigned to a unit squad
unit: Unit = self.units[0]
# switches unit to new role, and removes from any squad
self.mediator.assign_role(tag=unit.tag, role=UnitRole.DEFENDING)

Other gotchas?

Found something not listed here? Please feel free to contribute to the docs or raise an issue in the ares-sc2 github repo.