Creating Custom Behaviors

Recommended reading: How to curate Combat Maneuver's using existing Behavior's in ares-sc2. Before curating custom behaviors, take a look at some of the core behaviors in ares-sc2, to get an idea how one should be structured.

Let's start with a simple example, we have a group of marines and tanks we would like to micro. Let's use the CombatManeuver functionality in ares-sc2 to orchestrate a simple a-move across the map.

from ares import AresBot
from ares.behaviors.combat import CombatManeuver
from ares.behaviors.combat.individual import AMove

from sc2.ids.unit_typeid import UnitTypeId
from sc2.units import Units
from sc2.position import Point2

class MyBot(AresBot):
    MARINE_TANK_TYPES: set[UnitTypeId] = {

    def __init__(self, game_step_override=None):
        """Initiate custom bot"""

    async def on_step(self, iteration: int) -> None:
        await super(MyBot, self).on_step(iteration)

        if marine_tank_force := self.units(self.MARINE_TANK_TYPES):
            attack_target = self.enemy_start_locations[0]
            self._micro_marine_tank(marine_tank_force, attack_target)

    def _micro_marine_tank(self, units: Units, target: Point2) -> None:
        for unit in units:
            # set up a new CombatManeuver for this unit
            offensive_attack: CombatManeuver = CombatManeuver()
            # add AMove to this maneuver
            offensive_attack.add(AMove(unit, target))
            # register the maneuver so it gets executed

This is all working great, how about now we add decision-making to siege or unsiege our tanks?

The problem: there isn't an existing combat behavior in ares-sc2 to do this. This is partly intentional since sieging/unsieging tanks is a strategic decision personal to your bot.

We propose a solution: create a reusable custom combat behavior that ares-sc2 understands and can be executed.

As long as our behavior class follows the CombatIndividualBehavior Protocol, we can add it to our existing offensive_attack CombatManeuver. - CombatIndividualBehavior Protocol says we should implement an execute method with the following signature:

def execute(self, ai: "AresBot", config: dict, mediator: ManagerMediator) -> bool:

Notice this method should return a booleon, this should return True if this implemented CombatIndividualBehavior carried out an action, and False otherwise.

With this is mind let's implement a SiegeTankDecision custom behavior, you could save this in a new file:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ares.behaviors.combat.individual import CombatIndividualBehavior
from ares.cython_extensions.geometry import cy_distance_to
from ares.managers.manager_mediator import ManagerMediator
from ares.consts import UnitTreeQueryType
from sc2.ids.ability_id import AbilityId
from sc2.ids.unit_typeid import UnitTypeId as UnitID
from sc2.position import Point2
from sc2.unit import Unit
from sc2.units import Units

    from ares import AresBot

class SiegeTankDecision(CombatIndividualBehavior):
    """Decide if a tank should either siege or unsiege.

    unit : Unit
        The siege tank unit.

    unit: Unit

    def execute(self, ai: "AresBot", config: dict, mediator: ManagerMediator) -> bool:
        unit_pos: Point2 = self.unit.position
        type_id: UnitID = self.unit.type_id

        # get near enemy ground
        # ares uses `KDTree` algorithm for faster distance queries
        # let's make use of that
        near_enemy_ground: Units = mediator.get_units_in_range(

        if type_id == UnitID.SIEGETANK:
            # if enemies are not too close, and enough ground enemy around then siege
            close_to_tank: list[Unit] = [
                e for e in near_enemy_ground if cy_distance_to(e.position, unit_pos) < 6.5
            if len(close_to_tank) == 0 and (
                (ai.get_total_supply(near_enemy_ground) >= 4.0 and len(near_enemy_ground) > 3)
                return True

        elif type_id == UnitID.SIEGETANKSIEGED:
            # just a general if nothing around then unsiege
            if len(near_enemy_ground) == 0:
                return True

        # no action was carried out
        return False

This is an example, this could be tweaked and extended as required. Meanwhile, this custom Behavior can be reused in other scenarios!

Let's update our original code to import this Behavior and include it in our offensive_attack maneuver:

from ares import AresBot
from ares.behaviors.combat import CombatManeuver
from ares.behaviors.combat.individual import AMove

from sc2.ids.unit_typeid import UnitTypeId
from sc2.units import Units
from sc2.position import Point2

# IMPORT SiegeTankDecision, modify import based on where you saved it
from bot.siege_tank_decision import SiegeTankDecision

class MyBot(AresBot):
    MARINE_TANK_TYPES: set[UnitTypeId] = {

    def __init__(self, game_step_override=None):
        """Initiate custom bot"""

    async def on_step(self, iteration: int) -> None:
        await super(MyBot, self).on_step(iteration)

        if marine_tank_force := self.units(self.MARINE_TANK_TYPES):
            attack_target = self.enemy_start_locations[0]
            self._micro_marine_tank(marine_tank_force, attack_target)

    def _micro_marine_tank(self, units: Units, target: Point2) -> None:
        for unit in units:
            # set up a new CombatManeuver for this unit
            offensive_attack: CombatManeuver = CombatManeuver()

            # Maneuvers should be set up so that higher priority tasks are added first.
            # If this returns False for a tank, then the 
            # AMove behavior will try to execute an action instead

            # add AMove to this maneuver
            # AMove always returns True so should typically be added at the end
            offensive_attack.add(AMove(unit, target))
            # register the maneuver so it gets executed