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Migrating from an existing bot made with burny's python-sc2 should be simple in most cases.

Installing ares-sc2

Using the starter bot template

This will likely be simplest if you're willing to follow the starter bot structure and conventions. Not only that, if you make a new github repository based on this template, you'll benefit from automated ladder ready zip builds via github actions on each push to the main branch.

  1. Follow the guide on the starter-bot-repo, and ensure that it is running before proceeding.

  2. Now let's assume your bot folder has some layout like:

    │   └───some_folder
    │   └───another_folder
    │   └─── 

    After setting up the starter-bot repo, the new structure will look like: (ignored some files for clarity here)

    │   └─── 

    You should then replace the contents of the bot directory in the starter-bot with the contents of your my_bot directory. If your main entry point to your bot is not named then ensure it is renamed and is placed directly in bot diretory, replacing the existing There is no need to move over files or folders like sc2, or from your existing bot.

  3. Go to the #Converting currentpython-sc2bot to anaresbot section of this guide.

Installing ares-sc2 directly

If you want more control then installing from the main ares-sc2 repo might be desired. Cloning the repo and running poetry install should provide everything required to run ares with your bot. Please reach out on the SC2AI discord server via the #ares-sc2 channel if you need assistance.

To prepare your bot for ladder release, it is worth familarizing yourself with the script on the starter bot repo. You may need to tweak this based on your own scenario.

IMPORTANT: You should create your ladder zip on a debian based system running python 3.11. You can use WSL or docker if on Windows/MAC. We are planning to make this user friendly in the future.

Converting current python-sc2 bot to an ares bot

Code wise there isn't much to change, will need a few changes:

  • The main bot object should inherit from ares-sc2


    from sc2.bot_ai import BotAI
    class MyBot(BotAI):


    from ares import AresBot
    class MyBot(AresBot):

  • Any on python-sc2 hook methods that you use should add a super call

    Only convert the hooks you actually use.


    class MyBot(AresBot):
        async def on_step(self, iteration: int) -> None:
        async def on_start(self, iteration: int) -> None:
        async def on_end(self, game_result: Result) -> None:
        async def on_building_construction_complete(self, unit: Unit) -> None:
        async def on_unit_created(self, unit: Unit) -> None:
        async def on_unit_destroyed(self, unit_tag: int) -> None:
        async def on_unit_took_damage(self, unit: Unit, amount_damage_taken: float) -> None:

    Replace all MyBot with your actual class name


    class MyBot(AresBot):
        async def on_step(self, iteration: int) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_step(iteration)
            # on_step logic here ...
        async def on_start(self, iteration: int) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_start(iteration)
            # on_start logic here ...
        async def on_end(self, game_result: Result) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_end(iteration)
            # custom on_end logic here ...
        async def on_building_construction_complete(self, unit: Unit) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_building_construction_complete(iteration)
            # custom on_building_construction_complete logic here ...
        async def on_unit_created(self, unit: Unit) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_unit_created(unit)
            # custom on_unit_created logic here ...
        async def on_unit_destroyed(self, unit_tag: int) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_unit_destroyed(unit_tag)
            # custom on_unit_destroyed logic here ...
        async def on_unit_took_damage(self, unit: Unit, amount_damage_taken: float) -> None:
            await super(MyBot, self).on_unit_took_damage(unit, amount_damage_taken)
            # custom on_unit_took_damage logic here ...